Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Head And Shoulders, Double Tops And Bottoms, Triple Tops And Bottoms

Head and Shoulders Pattern

The Head and Shoulders pattern is one of the most famous reversal patterns and one that gives a clear signal and entry point. The head and shoulders in an uptrend consists of three relative highs: the first and last peaks are of nearly equal size and are the shoulders of the formation. The middle peak is greater than the other two and forms the head of the pattern. The relative lows in between the head and shoulders form a neckline at the base of the pattern. Once the pattern is completed, the neckline becomes a key support level; the market can bounce off it and reverse, or it can break through it and gather momentum.

Reverse Head and Shoulders

The reverse head and shoulders is the same formation in a downtrending market. The head and shoulders point lower in this case and signal a reversal of the market higher once the price crosses the neckline and closes on a daily chart.

Double Tops and Bottoms

The double top formation is a straightforward pattern that is easy to recognize on a chart. One of the features of a market in an uptrend is a series of increasing highs and relatively higher lows. If the market on one of its high points fails to break above the previous high, but instead stalls at the same price, this is an indication that the trend is weakening and may reverse. A double top is therefore a simple horizontal line that connects two relative highs at the same price.

The relative low between the two highpoints of the double top creates a miniature version of the neckline in the head and shoulders pattern, and provides traders with a potential entry point to sell. Traders should sell once they receive reasonable confirmation that the neckline has been broken; a good indication of this is when a candle closes beneath the neckline. In the case of the double top, traders can then place an entry order a few points beneath the low of the first candle that closes beneath the neckline.

The double bottom pattern is the inversion of the double top. In a down-trend, the price tested twice the low level but failed to break through, forming a double bottom pattern. Traders can look for opportunities to buy above the neckline once the pattern is confirmed.

Triple Tops and Bottoms

A triple top is the same charting pattern as the double top with an extra relative high that touches the same resistance level. A triple top creates a strong resistance level and a neckline connecting the two relative lows in the middle of the pattern. A trader should enter a short position when the daily candle closes below the neckline of the triple top.

The entry point should be set a few points beneath the low of the candle that first closed below the neckline.

The triple bottom is similarly an extension of the double bottom. It simply contains an additional relative low on the chart that touches the same price as the two that preceded it. The triple bottom is a solid support level and can be a basis for entering a long position if it holds for a third time particularly if there are additional indicators confirming a reversal at the triple bottom. Alternatively, a more conservative trader could also wait until the price closes above the neckline and buy when the following candle surpasses the high for the first candle. This is essentially the same logic utilized in trading the triple top, whereby traders place short orders to sell an asset at a few points beneath the low of the first candle that closes beneath neckline.

Action ForexCandice Blog5827
Aindrea Blog65235

Violence in Our Homes

The family is considered as the basic unit of the society. It is an inviolable social institution, which for all intents and purposes, is safeguarded by the state with all its pervasive powers and coercive mechanism. The family has in fact been so important in our present society, that marriage is actually a foundation of the family has been protected with much zeal by the state.

When man and woman comes into a conglomeration with each other, it is assumed that they are already one, and not even the mere acquiescence of the parties, or the volition of one party could have such contract be eradicated. Yet notwithstanding the same, it is not a bolted lock that would last a lifetime even if it would no longer be healthy to the family whose interest it was suppose to foster. The marriage bonds may be broken if the union has already been plagued with envy, angry, hatred, and violence. Domestic violence has been abundant in our society today. Psychologists view it as a way of showing ones control over a family, and to show who actually must be followed and who owns and manipulates the same.

It is a showing of territorial control prevalent among lower forms of animals, that is, with the expression of violent acts on the beings within his territorial domain, the predator acts in such a vicious manner to maintain his control thereof, and thus, legitimizes his rule. This is the picture being painted in domestic violence among members of the family. The father, which usually is the culprit in these types of offenses, has a constant drive to show that he has a control over his wife and his flock, showing his power by hurting his wife, or even to the extent of hurting his children, or other people in the household.

Domestic violence is a dreaded offense. Not only would it amount to lose of parental authority, it may also be considered as a criminal offense which can be penalized by imprisonment, or if circumstances led to more drastic effects then the penalty of death. A person shall be liable for all the consequences of his act whether the wrongful act done be different from that which he intended. That has been the constant rule when it comes to our courts of law. Hence, if a person causes the death of another by reason of a domestic violence then he would be liable thereof even the wrongful act done was not what he supposedly and originally intended.

Atty Gabriel Cosh is a legal advocate and a practitioner of law for over 10 years now. He is also an expert in the field of social legislation and personal injury cases.Alena Blog78898
Birgit Blog42957

Are Mobile Phones The New Tobacco?

I think most of us a familiar with the tobacco wars of recent times and how it is has manifested itself into aspects of our lives through issues like smoking at public venues, lawsuits from addicts suing manufacturers, corporate sponsorship of sporting events like Formula 1 and advertising in general, pregnant mothers, etc. I think most people would concede that if cigarettes and tobacco were invented today, they would never pass organisations like the Therapeutic Goods Administration who are responsible for clearing products for safety before being released to the Australian market. However could we now have a new tobacco brewing on our doorsteps.

There is a growing wave of scientists who believe mobile phones will be the new tobacco. Thus terms like passive mobile use and usage bans in public may be a realistic possibility. Like tobacco companies in the past, mobile companies deny any link between their product and things like cancer. In fact phone manufacturers spend vast amounts of money discrediting findings that say otherwise. Insiders have come out and said that long term use may be dangerous and warning information is now made available. Now a growing momentum of lawsuits are being filed, so far all have been dismissed. There are even now support groups to help people who are addicted to their phone and people as young as 6 are found to be heavy users. It bears a lot of similarities to tobacco. However phone companies are not making their product addictive like tobacco and given the global use and endless studies on mobiles there is not a conclusive study saying they are dangerous.

What does that mean you should do? Well like they say with anything, do it in moderation. Apart from the possible health risks of heavy mobile phone use, it is becoming another anti-social activity, annoying for fellow commuters in trains and patrons in movies and is spawning a whole new butchered version of the English language.


Chris JacobCelestyna Blog45988
Bobbie Blog1823

Business Continuity Planning

Many years ago, I worked for a small insurance company. Just like many other businesses, we shut down operations for the Christmas holiday. As it happens, this one eventful year Christmas fell on a Monday. The company also gave their employees the preceding Friday off, thereby granting a fourday holiday.

The weather that Christmas season was bitterly cold, as it often is in that part of Virginia. The maintenance staff turned off the heat in our 7-story building to save on costs. Unfortunately, they neglected to turn off the water. I received a call Sunday afternoon informing me there was a serious problem. Apparently, a major water pipe had ruptured on the 7th floor.

When I arrived at the building there were literally large sheets of ice emanating from all the windows onto the sides of the building. Upon entering, I could see just how disastrous this pipe rupture, unattended for two days, was going to be. The ceiling tiles on every floor had given way and fallen into the work areas. All the desks, file cabinets, computer equipment and so on were covered in debris, ice and water.

We had no choice but to turn the heat back on in order to melt the ice. As the ice melted it just further compounded the water problem. Most floors in the building had between 8-16 inches of standing water. The water damage to file folders and documents, electronic equipment, furniture and everything else in the building was devastating.

It took many months to fully recover from what we later referred to simply as the incident. Many important insurance documents were permanently lost. Much of the computer equipment and other electronics were unrecoverable.

Amazingly, the company had made no plans for such a disaster. There was no way to quickly move data processing requirements to an offsite location. There was no offsite storage for the microfilm records used to back up the paper documents. Most of the microfilm, stored in metal canisters, survived. The majority of microfilm readers didnt since electronics and water just dont mix.

The company survived, but just by a thread. We could not process premium payments for many weeks, and people who were expecting insurance payments did not receive them in a timely manner. There were a number of lawsuits. It was, to put it bluntly, a total mess.

Business Continuity is one of those topics that just doesnt receive the level of discussion it requires. Too many people completely ignore it altogether. That can be a fatal mistake as it relates to your business.

Business Continuity is all about planning for the unforeseen events that can occur. Many people also call it disaster planning. No one likes to think about such eventualities, but as the saying goes, stuff happens.

Developing a business continuity plan involves making a thorough review of your overall business structure and identifying potential weak links in that structure. Some of these weak links are internal to your business, while some are external. A good business continuity plan will examine all of the what if scenarios that could adversely affect your business, and then identify possible contingencies.

Every aspect of your business needs to be considered: ownership, product or raw material sources, sales mechanisms (web site, storefront, et cetera), distribution chains, customer support, accounting and financial reporting, and so on.

These what if possibilities will be different for every business. It would be impossible for me to account for every possible manifestation in this article. Instead, I will discuss some of the more commonly overlooked things that can happen. It will be up to you to extrapolate from that discussion in order to identify potential fatal links within your own business structure, and develop appropriate contingency plans. I can only ask the questions.


Is your business dependent on a single key person? Such a person could be the owner, product developer, web site manager and so on. In such a case, that person represents a single point of failure. What happens to your business if something happens to that person? For instance, if your product derives from the efforts of one person, do you have a way to mitigate the effect of that person no longer being available?

Do you keep all your accounting and financial records in a one place? Do you have backup records in an offsite location? What would happen to your business if there were a fire, flood, earthquake, or other circumstance that destroyed those records? Do you have a plan in place to recover from such an event? It amazes me the number of people who dont back up their computer or paper records. If the hard drive on your computer failed, could you continue your operations?

Do you keep your inventory of products in a single place? What would happen if you experienced a fire or flood? Would you have a way to quickly replenish your stock? Would you be able to continue to fulfill orders in a timely fashion? If the answer is no, you have yet another single point of failure.

In the Mobile, Alabama area where my wife and I live, we are at the mercy of hurricanes each year. In the case of Hurricane Ivan and Hurricane Katrina, we lost our power and phone service for nearly a week. If something like that happened to you, do your customers have a secondary way to contact you, or you to contact them? Do you provide your customers with a cell phone number where they can reach you? Is there some local facility (e.g., library, Internet caf) where you could go to check your email?


If you purchase your product or raw materials from a wholesaler, is that company your only source? What happens to your business if that company has a fire, flood, or folds its tent? Do you have a secondary source you can quickly switch to? With the company I ran many years ago, I primarily used three distributors as the source for most of my products. But I also had arrangements with several others I could utilize if necessary. These companies had my TaxID, reseller, and other information already on file. If I had to make a switch, that switch would have been seamless from the perspective of my customers.

Are you dependent on a single carrier for your product delivery? What happens to your ability to deliver your product if members of that carrier go on strike? It happens. Just as with your suppliers, do you have a contingency plan for moving to a backup carrier if needed?

What about the company that hosts your web site? This is a very crucial consideration if your primary sales vehicle is via online means. What happens to your business if that hosting company has a fire or flood? Do they have a contingency plan in place to move operations to an offsite location? If they dont, do you have a way to quickly move to another hosting service? Do you have backups of your own web site (including your shopping cart/order database) that you could move?


As I said, this list is not meant to be all-inclusive. Much depends on your particular business operations. But you do need to consider the possibilities, and their potential adverse impact. Consider all the possibilities.

My recommendation would be to develop a document to define your plans and courses of action for business continuity. It doesnt have to be complicated; three columns is all you need:

1) Potential disaster scenario,

2) Potential impact on your business (you can use a 1-5 rating system for this 1 being low impact, 5 being catastrophic)

3) Contingency Plan

Obviously, the higher the impact rating, the more important it is to define a contingency plan. But dont just ignore it. Your business can survive many disaster situations, but only if you plan ahead.

Ray Herold has a 30+ career in the Computer Information Technology (IT) field. He has been a Systems Analyst, DB and Network Administrator, Website Development Manager, IT Architect and Director of IT. He has owned several successful online businesses. He is also the author of several books related to technology and business.Brietta Blog59492
Amata Blog67412

Kelowna Graphic Designer

Basically graphic design is a visual problem solving by means of text or graphical elements. Your target is to form something that is pleasurable to the eye, and gets the concentration of the viewer. Graphic design is nothing but the combination of process and art together with text and graphics and for communicating an effective message in the design of logos, graphics, brochures, newsletters, posters, signs, and any other type of visual communication. Today's Kelowna graphic designers often use desktop publishing software and techniques for attaining their goals.

Kelowna graphic designers focus only on the visual artwork sternly for a project. Few people specialize only in certain areas like logo design. Normally graphic artists work with print and web. They can also be able to design brochures, business cards, annual reports, advertising material and give you a high quality professional look. Not all Kelowna graphic designers pursue the same procedures in completing a project. But this cursory overview will help you to become more familiar along with the ins-and-outs of the creative as well as production stages of the graphic design process. Many web designing companies hire a designer for the graphic design and finally they will hand the work to a web designer or developer for integrating it into a website.

Kelowna graphic designers charge depending upon the experience normally, but designers with less experience may save you money. But designers with more experience will always carry a higher quality product. So it is favorable for you go for an option of selecting graphic designer in Kelowna before the process starts. An initial research should also take place in an appraisal of your competitors' as well as your company's present communications. Some designers used to demand fee per project or per hour. Always make sure that you have defined all the requirements precisely for your web project.

The Graphic Designer:

Desktop publishing permits copying to go directly from word processing to set type in today's electronic world. The main core of any creative work is the designer. Each designer comes with a varying degree of talent and experience as well, whether they're independent or may be a part of a firm. Many independents or "freelancers" have years of skills with well-known firms.

Concept development is the initial stage of creative work. This is nothing but a stimulating process, exploring various options and weighing their merits against the communication policies and the modification process starts at once the concept has been established. Along the way, you see the project evolves, each time becoming more refined. And at the end of the concept refinement stage, normally the graphic designer will present a final comprehensive layout or mock-up to the person at your company who has final approval authority.

Usha Rani is a Copywriter of http://www.atomic55.netCatlee Blog92444
Celia Blog26522

There's Diamonds In Your Backyard! - Part 1

I came to understand the true meaning and value of a business relationship over 10 years ago after spending thousands of dollars in traditional advertisements with little return. This is not to say that traditional advertising is wrong I just didnt have the money to do it! I then realized that without the funds to do consistent traditional advertising that I had to develop business relationships that would provide referrals, as well as resources.

Once I started meeting with other business owners one-on-one I discovered that no advertisement or marketing plan in the world could beat the true value of developing a business relationship that involves trust, value and the willingness to share and refer.

How many times have you heard the saying, the diamonds are in your own backyard? You know its really true! After evaluating where my business came from in 2003, it was either through a referral or from a relationship that I had developed.

Yes, develop a good business relationship and just like the brilliance of a diamond, it will shine throughout your business in the form of referrals and profit. The true source of new business prospects and profit really is just a relationship away!

So, the big question is if this sounds simple and your business can grow from developing relationships, why isnt it being done more amongst micro and small business owners? The answer is simple its because they dont understand the true value and benefits of developing a business relationship.

When a small business owner first starts their business they are in what I call their dream stage. They have a tendency to mock what they think or see a successful business as being, but lack the true understanding of why it is being done. Therefore, most small business owners get business cards, create flyers or brochures and wait for the business to come - as though the mere existence of their business will have customers begging for their product or service. Unfortunately, thats just not true.

This same thinking pattern is also transferred into the networking scene. Business owners go to countless business meetings and events and throw their business cards around as though they were playing some high-powered poker game. Then they leave and wait for the business to come. However, they soon learn that it doesnt come and they blame it on the networking meeting instead of the fact that they didnt do anything to develop new relationships.

Part Two will cover the tips youll be able to put to use immediately to get your share of diamonds (business relationships.)

Trina Newby is President and Founder of Women About Biz, a powerful and effective membership-based network for Businesswomen. Let us show you how to grow your business at Blog30300
Catha Blog39417

Tips For Preparing For Your Piano Exam

Whether you are a new piano player or a full-time professional, exams can be a strenuous and often daunting task. Each exam has its separate challenges. However, if you prepare for your exams correctly, it could mean the difference between passing and failing.

For this example, let us pretend that we are sitting for a Grade Six piano exam. Let the record denote that I have sat and passed a Grade Six exam. Although admittedly I did not pass it well - this was caused by a severe lack of preparation leading up to the exam. I did not put the time or effort into my preparation for this music exam. I can assure you from first hand experience that you need more than 15 minutes practice three to four times a week to effectively prepare for a Grade Six piano exam!


At this time you should be doing approximately one hour's worth of practice a day, five days a week. In your selected pieces you should be able to at least press all of the right notes. This is the time to start developing your pieces from a series of notes to a piano masterpiece. Concentrate on things like expression, dynamics and tempo. Put some feelings and emotion into your pieces.

You should also profusely study all of your theory and scales. Too often scales and theory are neglected at this time and are only revised about a fortnight before the exam. This is a terrible mistake! Remember the more you study now, the more you will retain this information, thus having a better chance of recalling the required knowledge during your exam.


It is time to up the anti a bit. You should be spending one and a half to two hours practicing a day, six days a week. This is the time to smooth out all of the minor flaws in your pieces of music. Practice things like getting that tricky triplet sounding fluent and making sure you hit the F sharp with your fourth finger rather than the fifth. These issues might seem minor, but it will help you immensely with your exam.

Practice without the sheet music in front of you and see how well you go. During your exam if you rely too heavily on your score, I can guarantee you will stuff up. Learn your music off by heart.

Also, make sure that your exam becomes your number one priority. Do not be distracted by other issues in your life. Do not become distracted by relationship, financial or other issues that might divert your attention from your exam. You will become stressed and worn out, and you will not perform at your potential.


Now is the time to just practice, practice, practice! I would recommend doing between two to three hours per day by now. You should have all of the knowledge required for the exam. It is simply a matter of revising it for your exam.

Whilst we are working and studying hard, we have to remain relaxed. Put it into perspective; it is only an exam. There is no need to worry about it 24/7.


Most people on the night before an exam practice for 5-6 hours, studying until some ungodly hour in the morning. This is a big no-no! At maximum you should only play through your pieces once. What I like to do is pretend I am actually sitting for the exam. So I would do my scales first, then my pieces in order, and then do some sight reading.

Don't try to do any last minute revision for your exam. Chances are that you will only put unneeded pressure on yourself and more importantly you will only have a small chance to remember it for your exam. Do not get distracted by other things in your life. Your piano exam is tomorrow - everything else can wait another day.

Relax! It is essential that you get a good night's sleep. I would recommend that you get 8 to 10 hours solid sleep if you can afford the luxury.


Do not do any work, whether it is piano related or not. Do something fun that doesn't require a lot of brain power. Watch a movie. Kick a soccer ball. Do whatever that suits you.

Try to eat a healthy breakfast. However, if you suffer from butterflies in the stomach, which I suffer from immensely, don't try to force anything down. It will only comes straight back up! (Trust me!)

I will say it again, RELAX! Try not to think about your exam. Don't try to think about your theory, scales, pieces, fingering etc. etc. Don't think about what you have and haven't done for your exam. This is only going to get you all frazzled and this will seriously hinder your exam.


By now you should be at the venue where your exam is being held. Do some ultra-light revision. Look through your music sheets and visualize yourself playing it as you read the notes. Play some 'air-piano.' Test yourself with a couple of theory questions.

Do not under any circumstances talk to other people about the exam. Do not ask each other theory questions. Do not discuss your pieces. Do not talk about previous exams or examiners. This is nothing more than an unwanted hindrance. Take a few deep breaths, relax and focus on your exam.


Close the books for a moment. Take three deep breaths and focus. Think to yourself that this is just like any other piano practice session. Go into the exam with positive thoughts. Whether you have prepared yourself for the exam as I have discussed above or not, it does not matter now. All you can do now is concentrate on the upcoming task of your exam.


Two things will be happening to you about now. Firstly, you think you are doing well. Great! Ride on this wave of euphoria until the end of the exam. But you must not slack off! You still have a couple of pieces or a couple of scales or some theory to do. You must concentrate until the end of the exam. A lot can happen between now and then.

The second thing that could be happening to you during your piano exam is that you think you are performing badly. Forget about it! It doesn't matter what has happened. You still have the rest of the exam to impress the examiner. A lot can change between now and the end of the exam.

Another point worth thinking about is just because you think that you have done a bad job, doesn't mean that the examiner knows you've done a bad job. He/She will not pick up every single mistake you make. Just forget what has happened, clear your mind and start again with your next task. Think about what is going to happen, not what has just happened.


Congratulations! You have completed your exam! You can now breathe a huge sigh of relief! It's finally over!

Carefully analyse your exam. What did you do well? What do you do badly? What could you have done to improve? Make notes so you can use them as a reference for future exams.

Be careful not to be too confident with your exam. You might be disappointed when you see your results. Conversely, do not be too negative with your exam and think that you have done badly. More often than not you will get a nice surprise!


After waiting one to two weeks for your results to come back, you would be naturally excited, or at least inquisitive to see your results. Have you done well and/or better than you expected? Have you done worse than you have thought? Either way, read your examiner's comments at least three times. See what they liked about your piano examination and what they didn't. No matter how well you did, you can always improve! Next year's exams are guaranteed to be harder than this year.

Take the assessor's comments on board, but also take your own thoughts on board. Was your preparation leading up to the exam as good as it could have been? Nine times out of ten, if you have done badly you generally know why. Think about why you did badly and improve! Learn from your mistakes. Do not get depressed! It is not the end of the world. There is always next year.

I hope this article was helpful for your preparations for your exam. This is what I personally do when preparing for a piano exam. Obviously, if you have your own routine that works, by all means stick to it. However, if you do pick up one piece of advice from this article and apply it successfully, I will consider this article a success. Good Luck for your exams and most importantly, remember you can only do your best.

Christopher Carlin is the founder of the new resource for piano players, Free Piano Sheet Music. He has applied over twelve years of piano knowledge and experience into this article. Visit Free Piano Sheet Music to get free piano sheet music, articles, tools and much much more.Ashleigh Blog32405
Adriaens Blog12371

Computing - The Basic Generations Of The Early Pcs An Their Legacy

The Generations of early vintage PC computers can be divided based on the family type of CPU processor used in the computer.

Here are the basic family lineages of these CPUs

1) The Original the Granddaddy - 8088

The 8088 is slow slow slow. At the time (1981) it seemed like a very hot item.

The Intel 8088 is an Intel microprocessor based on the 8086, with 16-bit registers and an 8-bit external data bus.

The most influential microcomputer to use the 8088 was, by far, the IBM PC. The original PC processor ran at a clock frequency of 4.77 MHz. A popular clone using an 8088 was the Leading Edge Model D, with a switch to select running at 4.77 MHz or 7.16 MHz.

2) 802286

The 286 was the next generation of vintage computers in the mid 1980s era. A 286 family computer is about three to four times faster than an 8088 based PC.

The biggest problem with a 286 chip is that it does not handle memory well as a 386 (next step in the line) computer. It has a different instruction set (the programming telling a chip what to do), which is just slightly incompatible with the 386.

These differences, plus the slow speed, that made the 286 almost incompatible with the newer software sealed the 286s doom.

3) 80386SX and DX

In its day the 386 chip was a revolutionary change in computing which paved the way for later major upgrades in computing.

We owe much in our days of Pentium 4s to the early days of the 386 computers.

Compared to a 286, the 386 had a huge amount of addressable memory. The 386 came in two basic flavors SX and DX and in a whole range of speeds. The 386 SX was a bridge between the 16-bit and the 32 bit chips.

Higher clock speeds certainly boosted performance, but the most noticeable change was the move from 16 bit to 32 bit computing. When that occurred, performance was doubled immediately, since twice as much data could be moved and used. It is like grabbing twice as big a handful. The bigger the handful grabbed the more that can be moved at a time. Today this seems commonplace however at the time it was more than a major step leading to our current 32 bit and now 64 bit computers ( one more step we should be grateful for the 386 for leading us to ).


The 486 was a more affiancing design than the lowly 386. It incorporated a built in 8 kb cache and cache controller (kb as opposed to megabyte which is 1000 kb). As well a Math Coprocessor, better architecture and memory management for 32 bit operations were part of the package. The cache gave a boost to overall performance while still using the relatively inexpensive dynamic random access memory (DRAM), DRAM was a volatile type of main memory,

Cache serves a simple way to speed up the 486 computer. The cache anticipated the next instructions based on what was being done and stored it in a hiding place in memory. Then when the instructions or data was needed it was retrieved fairly rapidly from the hiding place in memory.

A 486 could process 32-bit instructions much faster than any 386. However DOS based software as it was written primarily for 8 and 16-bit systems could not take advantage of these advances.

OS/2 a multitasking operating system developed by Microsoft and Windows 3.0 and later 3.1 are able to take full advantage of the 486s features.


The 486DX2 was a peculiar chip that ran internally twice as fast the external system. In other words, if a machine was designed to run a 25 MHZ 486, you could put in the 50 MHZ 486DX2 and it would work fine without any major changes to the rest of the computer. It would not run as fast as a 50 MHZ 486DX though. Only the innards of the CPU are running as fast on a DX2 chip the rest of the computer is running at the speed designated around the 25 MHZ chip. This is a little confusing, but suffice to say that a 50 MHZ 486DX had more performance than a 50 MHZ 486DX2. Perhaps this however was little more than an Intel marketing gimmick.


The 486SX was a slowed down 486.

It ran at 16, 20 and 25 MHZ.

Basically in a 486SX the math coprocessor chip was disabled.

The 486SX was a budget entry level chip meant to upgrade users from their 386 at less cost. Or it may have been seen as the 2 door car to get you into the car showroom or steer you away from competitors.

Lastly the 80486DX3

These were IBM licensed chips that were clock tripled 486 chips running at 75 MHZ and 99 MHZ (called conveniently 100 MHZ speed)

The Intel versions were called the DX4

It needs not be said that these chips were far than overshadowed by later Pentium processors of the same or greater speeds.

Generally the speed of the computer CPU goes more than family than speed. That is a 75 MHZ (later model) Pentium will almost certainly beat out a 100 MHZ 486 CPU.

Mr. Arthur Felon Dept Head IT Ace Employment Services Specific interest in Vintage Computing Technology Blog : Blog29263
Ardis Blog87870

A Discount Dental Plan 6 Powerful Reasons Educated Consumers Choose One For Their Oral Health

There's no doubt about it. When you decide to take care of your oral health, you make a wise decision. The vast majority of doctors and dentists believe there is some relation between oral health and a persons overall physical health.

However, when it comes to finding a quality dental plan to defray the skyrocketing costs of professional oral care, consumers may find themselves short on options. Like health coverage, dental coverage has not kept up with double-digit cost increases. The average allowance is still around $1000 -$1200 per year per individual. A family with children who need braces would be hard-pressed to make this type of coverage work.

As a result of this situation, consumers are starting to educate themselves on the different alternatives to traditional health care such as health savings accounts. One of the fastest growing alternatives in health care is the discount dental plan. Because discount dental plans are not insurance products, they're quite often free of the hassles such as limits or exclusions that are normally associated with traditional dental insurance.

Discount dental plans often have so many benefits it would be nearly impossible to list them all. However, here are 6 of the most powerful reasons for the discount dental plan's rapid growth among educated consumers:

1. At the discretion of the dentist, consumers can often reduce out-of-pocket costs by combining a discount dental plan with traditional dental insurance.

2. In an emergency, such as an abscessed tooth, members can see a dentist immediately because there's almost never a waiting period.

3. Consumers can literally save thousands of dollars on expensive dental treatments, such as orthodontics, because most discount dental plans have no limits.

4. Discount dental plans almost always accept new members regardless of any on-going dental problems.

5. Beyond the initial application, there's practically no need for paperwork or claims to file.

6. Unlike most traditional insurance policies, cosmetic dentistry such as whitening and braces are almost always included.

For all these reasons and more, the discount dental plan is more than likely to continue gaining acceptance as a very smart alternative to traditional dental care.

Furthermore, dentists are also starting to realize the growing benefits of becoming a discount dental plan provider. Among them, long-term customer retention, no insurance companies to deal with, and free advertising from the discount dental plan company.

As dental care costs continue to escalate, controlling those costs can be a real challenge for the average consumer. However, through education, consumers can take a more active roll in controlling how these costs affect their personal lives. A discount dental plan can make a lot of sense for consumers looking to take care of their oral health and save money at the same time.

Joe Luna provides free detailed information on America's top-rated discount dental plan at Blog64258
Blondy Blog52863

Eat to Lose Weight

Are you one of the millions of people suffering from being overweight? Is your kitchen counter is filled with protein shakes and diet pills that didn't work, and your basement crammed full of exercise equipment that eventually just sits there? Have you starved and exercised yourself into what felt like oblivion to see hardly even a dent of weight loss on your scale? Maybe you have tried every latest craze on the market, only to see very little, if any results! Is it any wonder so many of us eventually give up?

That's how it was for me until I stumbled across the most amazing plan to lose weight. It is the healthiest and safest way to lose weight I have found. But most importantly, it actually works! You don't have to starve yourself, exhaust yourself, or drain your bank account trying to lose those extra pounds. You can actually eat your way into getting thin! That's what I did!

By eating the right foods at the right time, you can lose weight quickly and effectively. It is so easy, anyone can do it! Eating food is much more effective than taking any dietary pill. By eating specific foods at the right times, your body will burn fat calories at a very fast pace. It will fuel fat loss and you will see the pounds start dropping off. I was amazed to see the body I once had as a teenager! I really thought that would never be possible for me again.

This weight loss plan is the easiest plan I have ever tried. The 11 day program is all laid out for you. You will never starve and you will enjoy eating delicious foods that will make the pounds melt right off your body. After 11 days, you will have 3 days to cheat and eat whatever you want. Have you ever heard of such an easy plan? You will be amazed to see the results! I was thrilled to be able to wear clothes I had not been able to fit in for years! And what fun it was to go buy myself a whole new wardrobe!

By losing weight you will greatly reduce your chances of getting Type2 Diabetes, heart and colon cancer, arthritis, high blood pressure and a number of other diseases related to being overweight. You will have much more energy and feel so much better about yourself. It is the best thing I have ever done. Losing weight doesn't have to be just a dream any more.

By using this method I have lost more weight than I ever thought possible. The nice thing is, it really does work! For more information you can go to

Mandy Morris lives in Chicago and is an author who doesn't like to starve herself for a diet.Anissa Blog39980
Brunhilde Blog46917

Video Game Systems

The first video game system that I actually owned was an Atari game console that played only pong and pong like games. The console used your television to visually display the game and its action. We were thrilled with the system and many hours were spent staring at the television screen with the eerie beep of the pong hitting the paddles echoing through out the room. The next video game system I owned was also an Atari, but instead of being dedicated to only one game, this actually accepted a variety of cartridges which played wonderful games, including Asteroids, Space Invaders and Pac-man. And we once again embraced them as wonderful advancements in technology and introduced them to our children.

Before I knew it, the kids were asking for a Commodore 64. They now wanted a personal computer and I was saving the money to get one, because the price was right. The C64 did not require a monitor, and could be plugged into a television set, and had graphics that were evolving away from the simple shapes of Atari to realistic drawings. Instead of all action games, some of the games involved solving problems and were much more intellectual. Even better, you could copy the games on a cheap cassette tape and pass them around.

The next video game system that the kids were asking for was the Nintendo Entertainment System. It had high-resolution, full color, tiled backgrounds and the games were longer and contained more detailed graphics. Super Mario Brothers was the big hit game that everyone wanted. When the Sega Mega Drive was introduced, they were still happy with their NES. Then the kids outgrew the video game systems and it wasnt until I discovered the role playing game called Morrowind that I was drawn into PC video games. I was totally blown away! I could not believe the advancements in technology that enabled such realism! And to my grandchildren, who by the way have Nintendo 64 and Play Station 2 and full access to PC games, these are common, everyday toys. How amazing is that!?

Sandra CundyBamby Blog38287
Alleen Blog54292

When Things Go Wrong At Weddings

Usually at most weddings, something in the plans goes wrong. At our wedding, the limousine didnt show up.

My wife insisted that she go to our house to get dressed for the wedding. This is a Russian custom. During that time, all of her relatives called the house and offered congratulations.

Her Maid of Honor drove her thirty miles from the hairdresser to our house to get dressed. The limo driver was supposed to pick her up at the house and bring her to the church, forty miles away. He never showed up.

Luckily the photographer was at the house taking pictures of her getting dressed. The photographer, his son, the Maid of Honor, and my wife squeezed into his small Japanese car and headed to the church.

Her wedding dress got crushed squeezing into his compact car. Her Maid of Honor talked her into coming to the wedding. My wife cried all the way to the church.

At the end of the reception, we drove home together. My wife grabbed a bottle of champagne before our drive home.

The disappointments starting pouring out of her. She drank the entire bottle during the one-hour trip home and proceeded to dress me down about what a lousy job I did planning the wedding and the reception.

This went on for the next several hours, during which time, she called her parents, her friends, and even her old boyfriend to tell them what a bum I was. I dont know exactly what she said in Russian, but the tone of her voice was such that the subject matter was unmistakable.

John Kunkle has been successfully married to a Belarussian wife for over five years. He has traveled extensively through Russia and other CIS countries. He will tell you why you should consider Russian women, how to meet them, how to bring your special woman home, and how to survive married life.Arabela Blog69345
Astra Blog88351

I Love French Wine and Food - A Midi Viognier

If you are looking for fine French wine and food, consider the Languedoc-Roussillon region of south central France. You may find a bargain, and I hope that you'll have fun on this fact-filled wine education tour in which we review a local white Viognier.

Among the eleven wine-growing regions of France Languedoc-Roussillon ranks largest in actual area and is number four in wine grape acreage. This area, which includes the Midi, was once known for producing huge quantities of questionable quality wine called vin ordinaire. Times change and partly because of Australian winemakers, this region produces an increasing number of fine wines. Unlike most other regions of France, many Languedoc-Roussillon wines, such as the one reviewed below, are identified by their grape variety on the label.

Don't think of this region as being uniform. For example, Languedoc is mostly flat, but Roussillon tends to be hilly. Furthermore, several select areas with their own unique combination of microclimate and soil (terroir) make their own AOC (Appellation d'Origine Controle) wines, which are usually more expensive. Sooner or later we'll be looking at some of these wines in our series. There are almost 50 AOC wine appellations in Languedoc-Roussillon; covering the entire range, red, white, ros©, sparkling, and sweet. This diversity comes as no surprise; the region is home to more than thirty grape varieties.

About forty years ago the Viognier grape came close to extinction. At that time it was down to a measly 35 acres in France. Times have changed and this grape is now grown in California, Italy, Australia, Chile, and Canada, with more countries on the way. The classic Viognier wines come from the Northern Rhone Valley of eastern France, but we probably won't be reviewing them because of their limited availability and high cost.

Of course the Languedoc-Roussillon region has many places to visit. Here we focus on the city of Carcassonne, population 45 thousand. Talk about location. This city lies on a hilltop on the route leading from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea. And it's not far from the Spanish border. Small wonder that it dates back well over two thousand years. The Romans fortified it about 100 BC. Carcassonne has the longest standing city walls in all of Europe. Its name comes from Dame Carcas, who fed the last of the city's wheat to a pig in clear view of the French Emperor Charlemagne. He mistakenly believed that the besieged city was in no danger of starvation, and called off the siege.

The Aude River divides the fortified upper town, La Cit©, from the newer lower town, La Basse Ville. The upper town is basically closed to private cars. Among the upper town sites to see are the Fortress, the Bascilica of Sainte Nazaire, Museum of Chivalry, Arms and Archery, and the Museum of the Middle Ages, focusing on military history. The lower town has a fine arts museum and, in season (April to mid-November), an Australian Animal Preserve with kangaroos and emus.

Before reviewing the Languedoc-Roussillon wine and imported cheeses that we were lucky enough to purchase at a local wine store and a local Italian food store, here are a few suggestions of what to eat with indigenous wines when touring this beautiful region. Start with Huitres de Bouzigues (Oysters from Bouzigues). For your second course savor Bourride (Fish with Aoli, a local mayonnaise). And as dessert indulge yourself with Creme Colane (Dessert Cream with Lemon, Vanilla, and Dill Seed).

OUR WINE REVIEW POLICY All wines that we taste and review are purchased at the full retail price.

Wine Reviewed Domaine des Salices Viognier 2005 13% about $12

Let's start by quoting the marketing materials. During the last ten years or so, the Viognier grape has been quite successful in the vineyards of Languedoc-Roussillon (a.k.a., Midi). Once confined to vineyards in northern Rhne, today Viognier is thriving not just in the Midi, but throughout other warm climate regions around the world. Enjoy this fruity, low acid, aromatic wonder with lightly spiced seafood dishes, turkey breast or grilled salmon.

My first meal consisted of baked chicken leg with the skin on in a medley of spices (garlic, onion, cumin, and uncharacteristically tame Moroccan Harissa), rice, and green beans. I tasted apples, pears, and something floral tasting in this wine. I liked the acidity and the way that it cut the tasty grease of the chicken skin. The wine was a good accompaniment to fresh pineapple. I tried an off-the-wall combination by finishing my glass with jalapeno roasted almonds. The wine went dead. I don't blame the Viognier for this mismatch.

The next meal was an omelet with brown mushrooms, red onions, and American cheese (a mistake). The Viognier was moderately acidic and just a bit sweet with the taste of light fruits. Frankly, I preferred sipping the wine to this combination. There is a well-known rule when pairing a wine to dessert: make sure that the wine is sweeter than the dessert. I broke the rule with a homemade cheesecake that simply denatured the wine. On the other hand, the wine held up better with a homemade chocolate cake that wasn't as sweet.

My final meal was vegetarian. It included a somewhat spicy broccoli and mushroom (but no cheese) quiche. The wine was very refreshing and almost ethereal. The other dish was a sweet potato, olive, and rustic potato concoction held together by crushed crackers. The wine was somewhat less exciting than before but still fine. As often with vegetarian meals, I was still hungry. Always on the lookout for an unconventional pairing, I tried dried, lightly sweetened cranberries. They killed the wine. Why stop there? Candy-coated peanuts went better. They turned up the wine's acidity but the combination was good enough to go back for seconds.

The first cheese was a goat's milk cheese, a Palet de Chevre from the Poitou Charentes region of central-western France. This cheese looked and tasted more like a Camembert than like a goat's milk cheese. But the wine was quite fruity and pleasant with it. My next cheese was a Swiss Gruyere with a nutty taste. As previously the wine was fruity and a bit acidic. Just before the wine and cheese tasting I went to the local supermarket. On the cheese shelf was a local Asiago, a sharp cheese originally from northern Italy. Usually I don't taste local cheeses with these wines, but because I actually preferred this local Asiago to the imported version, I thought that I'd make an exception. The combination was quite good; the wine came out fruity and lightly acidic. Slices of fresh tomato perked it up even more.

Final verdict. I liked this wine and intend to buy it again, even more so at its relatively low price. I'll let you in on a secret; this is the first Viognier wine that I liked to any extent. I plan to taste other Viognier wines in this series. I don't promise that I'll try the top-of-the-line offerings from the northern Rhone Valley; they are quite pricey.

Over the years Levi Reiss has written sometimes with a co-author ten Internet and computer books. In his not so frequent spare time loves to drink fine French or other wine, especially with tasty food and the right company. He teaches various and sundry computer classes at a French-language community college in Ontario, Canada. His website devoted to Italian travel is which links to his other wine and food websites.Antoinette Blog98066
Alfie Blog94013

North Carolina Traffic School Forget Traffic Ticket & Allegations by joining NC Traffic Course Online

North Carolina Traffic School course is offered to the people of North Carolina with a basic motive of traffic safety and safe driving practices. The traffic court of respective state governments in United States offers this course to traffic violators for the sole purpose of increasing traffic safety and educate traffic rules. North Carolina Traffic School provides you a way to have your North Carolina traffic ticket dismissed and become a safe driver on the roads. This state recognized and court ordered course is available online through our website:

The online course offered by North Carolina Traffic School is provided by a well known and recognized course content provider I drive safely. The North Carolina Traffic Safety course is designed to increase your driving skills and advance driving techniques that make you a responsible and safe driver on the roads. The course also combines interactive audio, video and advance graphic simulations that make the learning process fun filled.

So if you are issued a North Carolina traffic ticket by any traffic officer dont panic! Just register yourself here:

What is the course fees that I need to pay?

If you are wondering about the course fee you should know that it is less than the traffic violation fine that you would be paying otherwise. Your course fee is calculated as a sum of the following:

The court fee.
The North Carolina State fee.
School fee.

Moreover the North Carolina Traffic Safety Course is offered online which you can take up at the comfort levels of your home. No hassles of moving to the traditional traffic schools that stretches to several weekends and no issues like reaching there on time. Now through the online mode you can start up the course as soon as you get registered. Once you finish up our state recognized - 6 hrs online course successfully, you will be couriered the certificate overnight.

Through North Carolina Traffic School you not only avoid your traffic tickets but you also lower down the insurance rates! Not to forget that you become a trained and skilled driver who is not only responsible towards the traffic rules and regulations but also drives smartly to avoid all dangerous situation in advance. You are also taught to tackle potential accident situation where people make mistakes. You now drive safely and also reduce the risk of lives of your family and others on road.

So move ahead with confidence when you have North Carolina Traffic School certificate!

James KerkAnne Marie Blog84389
Adriena Blog789

A free Christmas gift from Mother Nature

Not many flowers grow in the winter, but dried flowers, grasses and seed heads can make attractive bouquets and flower arrangements, but best of all it can all be obtained freely.

Go out for a walk, maybe with your dog or a friend. Go to a park, field or overgrown area, these are the places that you will find lots of dried vegetation. I say vegetation because weed means unwanted plant, and although you are collecting what other people deem as weeds, you in fact want them.

Take a bag with you and a pair of scissors. Some stalks may be too tough to break with just your fingers. You may need gloves too in case some plants have thorns or spikes. Under no circumstances should you pick plants from other peoples gardens, unless you have asked for permission to do so.

You may find grasses of different types. Some with heads like mini foxs tails others may look more like trees.

Look out for unusual seedpods on the plants, you may be lucky enough to find a poppy seed head or a thistle. Pinecones are treasures, use craft wire or glue to attach the cone to a wood kabab skewer and then use as another specimen to add to your collection.

Sometimes flowering plants dry out and leave a structure which, once supported, flowers. These stems can look very dramatic in a dried flower arrangement.

When you get home stand all your stems in a vase. Seeds will probably drop out along it the odd bug. You may want to return these later.

Give some of your findings that frosty Christmas feel by spray painting them silver. Read the back of the tin before you begin and follow the directions for using spray paints. Don't paint all of your stems remember less is more.

Add a splash of colour to the bouquet by introducing Christmas baubles or ribbons. Glue or wire a bauble to a kebab skewer and add to the display.

To make a bow, take a length of wide ribbon and fold it back and forth a couple of times. Scrunch up one end and secure it with wire. Stick the ribbon onto a kabab stick.

To present this gift of nature as a gift, arrange the dried and painted flowers in a vase or form a bouquet secured in place with an elastic band and tie a large ribbon in a bow around the stems covering the elastic band.

S. Roberts writes for a website offering Christmas information, education and tips and advice to help your Christmas be the greatest ever. Plus correspond with Santa for FREE Blog38287
Anni Blog68956

San Antonio Schools Celebrate Successes and Create New Programs to Further Achievement

San Antonio Schools Creates Program to Prepare Freshman for Future Success

Beginning this school year, Ninth grade students in San Antonio Schools will have more resources in helping them gain success in academic studies, college, and future careers. In addition to their regular classes ninth grade students will be required to take Freshman Prep class. San Antonio Schools Freshman Prep class helps students create a plan for the next four years and their future. The Freshman Prep class is intended to have students be prepared for college upon graduating from high school. The Freshman Prep class follows guidelines set by San Antonio Schools and the Texas High School Project District Initiative. Students will be expected to create and follow a standardized plan that features four core subjects each year and construct supplementary areas of interest or conduits from which students can select. The San Antonio Schools Freshman Prep class includes instruction on note-taking, time management and teaches how to develop good study habits that students can use throughout their high school and college studies. The main goals that San Antonio Schools have for the program are: to increase the number of students who complete 9th grade, provide a more rigorous and balanced four year high school graduation, ensure that all graduates are college ready, offer students opportunities for individualized guidance from their counselors, encourage increased parental involvement, and aid 12th-graders obtain career-related scholarships. After the ninth grade the Freshman Prep class becomes the Career Pathways program that gives students guidance to graduation, college and careers.

San Antonio Schools Celebrate a Decade of Science and Mathematics Reform

San Antonio Schools San Antonio Urban Systemic Program is the main organization the has engaged in systemic reform within San Antonio Schools that has helped thousands of students achieve higher science and math scores. San Antonio Schools will recognize teachers that have worked in the San Antonio Urban Systemic Program. The San Antonio School districts included in the program are Alamo Heights, East Central, Edgewood, Harlandale, Judson, North East, Northside, San Antonio, and South San Antonio. Other participants in the San Antonio Urban Systemic Program are the University of Texas at San Antonio and the City of San Antonio.

San Antonio Urban Systemic Program has worked with the National Science Foundation to create more engaging and better quality student instruction over the last ten years. The San Antonio Urban Systemic Program has increased the use of math and science across the curriculum by improving students access to math and science resources, having better integration of technology, and professional development that gives the teachers the skills they need in order to bring science and mathematics into all classroom environments.

San Antonio Urban Systemic Programs goal for the San Antonio Schools to improve student achievement in mathematics, science, and the integration of instructional technology has succeeded. When San Antonio Schools students are compared to students in Texas, they score higher. The National Science Foundation has assisted the San Antonio Urban Systemic Program, not only, with financial funding but with and mathematics materials, teacher training, and technical assistance from mentor teachers and campus coaches. The San Antonio Urban Systemic Program has created a demanding curriculum using real-world applications of math and science that involves hands-on explorations.

Stacy Andell is a staff writer for Schools K-12, Which provides free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Stacy has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues.Ashley Blog1914
Ashleigh Blog78402

Choosing An Online Degree Program

College degrees have long been available by correspondence but with the growth of the internet, students can now pursue college degrees online. There are hundreds of schools offering online programs for everything from Masters Degrees in Business Administration to advanced degrees in the fine arts. Because of the large number of schools offering online programs, it can be difficult to know what to look for in a quality program.

There are two basic types of institutions offering online degrees: Colleges and universities with physical campuses and online-only institutions. Online-only institutions do offer single courses, but tend to focus on degree programs. Colleges and universities with physical campuses offer both complete degree programs and single courses, which are often taken by on-campus students as well as online-only students.

Many of the same questions students ask when investigating regular colleges also apply to online degree programs. For example, a prospective student might ask how many courses are taught by graduate assistants rather than professors. In assessing an online degree, it is equally as important to determine how many of the courses are taught by full professors and how much experience those professors have with teaching online courses.

However, there are questions that are specific to online degree programs. One of the most important, particularly for graduate-level degrees, is how much contact you will have with other students. There are two basic types of online degree programs, those where you work at your own pace and those where you are admitted with a cohort, or group of peers, and proceed through the degree program with them. One is not necessarily better than the other. The learning style of the individual student will determine which type of program fits their needs best.

Accreditation is also an important thing to look for. All colleges and universities are required to be accredited by a regional governing body in order for the degrees they issue to be considered valid. If an online degree program doesn't give accreditation information, prospective students should move on to the next program.

After determining the credentials and structure of an online degree program, prospective students should research the details. How can books be purchased? What equipment, software and hardware is required to access the courses? How much time should a student expect to spend per course? Is financial aid available? Typically these questions are addressed on the degree program's website.

Kadence Buchanan writes articles for - In addition, Kadence also writes articles for and Blog38375
Amelita Blog81166

Relaxation during Examinations

The examinations are around the corner and youre feeling really stressed up. Before you torture yourself and your body, take a break! Theres only so much you can absorb at one. Thats why short breaks in between revision and taking time off every few days will help to calm you down and recharge your mind and body.

1) Clean up your room. Your study table is probably cluttered with notes and books. Organising your room will not only relax your mind but it will also give you a clean and tidy area to study.

2) When you feel stress level hitting an all time high, stop what youre doing. Lie down on your bed with lights off and play some relaxing music. Try calming nature sounds or classical music.

3) Visit the beaches. Its really relaxing to sit on the sand and enjoying the sound of the waves and the beautiful clouds.

4) Play your favourite song and dance! Exercising releases endorphins which perks your whole system up and helps you to burn away your stress energy.

5) What do you enjoy doing the most? Shopping? Watching movies? Take short breaks in between studying to do the things you really love. Just because exams are around the corner doesnt mean that you have to give up on all your favourite activities.

6) Laughter is the best medicine! Watch a good old classic comedy and laugh to your hearts content.

7) Yoga is one of the best ways to relax your body and focus your mind. Play some soothing music and practise a few poses that you can easily find on the Internet

8) Play some stress-release games. Log on to for our series of games that can help to reduce examination stress in children.

Aspire Home TuitionAdriena Blog789
Brana Blog28569

Remembering 80s Arcade Games

The funniest thing triggered some great old memories of 80s arcade games . Last night I went to a store, a 24-hour convenience one, to get a cigarette lighter and asked for the difference between Bic lighters and Scripto lighters. Unexpectedly the boy on shift was helpful and kind enough to inform me that as per their reputation the Bic works much better. That's when I made my decision to go for the good old, never failing Bic.

That is how I remembered an old TV ad with Peggy Fleming. And I told the kid about it, about her skating on a Bic pen attached to the blade of her skate and after a round on the ice the pen was still writing. Obviously that story I told him made him calculate quickly, and he made me laugh with the question asking if that was back in the fifties. But he wasn't scoffing, on the contrary, he actually confessed that he would have loved it to be born and raised in this age, in the time when things have been new and cheap as the first video games and even McDonald's.

This on is turn made me think about the things we had as children and how very few kids nowadays will consider them worthy to even look at. Unlike the twenty-something generation now that only know computers and the latest video consoles, I've experienced first hand how the 80s arcade games were played, and how they paved the road for PC games and the portable handheld games.

It is true that for 80s arcade games, Pong itself was a big thing - the first ever thing to be done virtually, but it was far in the 60s and what I am really fond of are the memories of actually going to an arcade in order to play games. Real arcade with a change machine only apart from the stand alone, full sized games with their handles and buttons, such as Asteroids, and Donkey Kong, Pac Man and Mr. Pac Man.

As there was nowhere else to go after school actually, because apart from the malls that e didn't like t hang into, the 80s arcades games were the only places for under 21-year-olds. And we devoted both ourselves and our free time to spending every last quarter there.

There was one 80s arcade game that I liked much more than the others. It was called Quix and I never managed to find a copy of it again, neither in the internet, nor on a CD-R. The task was to part off pieces of a huge rectangle that was on the screen, using a stylus controlled by the joystick, avoiding the electrical sparks/fuses moving around, because in case they get to you, your score returns to zero and you start from the beginning. It was just a simple game or people who were not fond of all the killing and shooting and in was much easier to move in the limited 2D space.

But in fact I still have a place in my heart for the times (a few months only) that I was totally addicted to the great Space Invaders. Boy, the more I think about it the more I realize just how much I loved those 80s arcade games.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning games. Get the information you are seeking now by visiting Blog15560
Astra Blog88351

Air Charter Services And It's Advantages

Though private air charter services are used extensively by business and luxury class, still the aviation through air charters is unfamiliar to many people around the globe. Air charter services are best suited to executive business travel and personal vacations, as private air charters eliminates many time-consuming formalities but still provide extra features that are to be found no where else.

It should be noticed that private air charters do not lack any facility from the conventional airlines, and air charter service providers make it dead-sure that the best facilities are offered to their customers, including, catering, food, ground facilities, and return services, etc. Let us have a detailed peep into the advantages that private air charters offer to us.

The very first advantage that almost anybody can notice in hiring the private air charters is the freedom of scheduling. Unlike conventional airlines, private air charters provide full freedom to choose the schedule of the flight. There is absolutely no limit, as most of air charter service providers have it open for seven days a week and for 24 hours a day. There are no chances of missing the flight, as it is you who have set the time of the flight, and you can alter it also, if you need to! Most importantly, there is no chance that a flight is delayed. Private air charters are singularly for your service, and they wait for your arrival before the take off!

Private air charters also provide better options for the choice of airport. This ultimately saves a lot of time in traveling through car and ground transportation. Most of the scheduled airports are crowded, but with the facility of air charter services, you can have your own preference for the airport.

Security and privacy are two other issues that are solved meticulously with air charter services. Luggage loss is a major problem in scheduled aviation, but with private air charters, you are free of such issues. If you are traveling with your office colleagues and want to discuss some plans, or want to practice for the seminar or a presentation, you have the luxury of utmost privacy and you can enjoy it to the fullest extent. If you are taking some time off from your busy life, and are traveling with your family members; traveling with private air charters would be the most stress free, enjoyable and relaxing way to travel!

No wonder that with so many options and facilities, air charter services are attracting the eyes of big organizations or corporate giants, but it still remains a quandary as why general public is not motivated by these facilities. Cost is the major factor, but those who know what they are paying for, understand that air charter services are worth their weight in gold!

Max Stephen is the author of this Private Jet Service article, and the webmaster of http://www.charter-private-jet.netCelia Blog67398
Celestyn Blog50966

How Do You Benefit From A Registry Cleaner

These days, more and more computer users are using registry cleaner software to keep the registry clean and to keep their computers in good health. Computers are the information highway of the 21st century, and most households in the United States use computers for various reasons. The more you use your computer, more information gets stored in its registry. The benefit of a registry cleaner is that it helps slim down the registry by removing the unnecessary data thereby making your computer run faster. The registry of your computer is the section where all applications create entries for temporary data, and these entries are never deleted by on their own. The more data your computer processes, the more bloated your registry gets, often slowing down your computer.

It is necessary that you use a window registry cleaner, periodically, to remove all the unnecessary data in the registry. Over time the invalid entries, resulting from uninstalling or incorrectly removing of the software accumulate in the registry. A registry cleaner simply deletes these entries from the registry and helps your system to function at its optimum level.

The Benefits of Cleaning The Registry

This is normally what most computer users do:

Frequently install or uninstall programs

Delete software that was never really fully "uninstalled"

Alternately, your computer may have an embedded Spyware, or you may have unused but undeleted drivers in your system. All such accumulated problems can lead to stalls in the system, or reduced operating speeds. This is where a registry cleaner comes in handy. Before the problems rise to such levels, cleaning your registry periodically gets rid of all these extra entries.

Arvind Singh is admin and technical expert associated with development of computer security and performance enhancing software like Registry Cleaner, Window Cleaner, Anti Spam Filter etc. More information can be found at Related Information: Blog28140
Callie Blog34319

The Newest Work Hazard For Computer Users: CVS

Millions of Americans go to work every day to sit at a computer for 8 or more hours, seven days a week. While office work is hardly considered to be a "dangerous" job, several years ago, doctors began to notice that certain afflictions are becoming increasingly common among those who use computers all day long.

First, the medical community became aware of CTS (Carpal Tunnel Syndrome), a painful and sometimes debilitating inflammation in the wrist, arms, and hands. In response to the increased number of office workers being diagnosed with CTS, computer furniture manufacturers began to develop ergonomically correct keyboards and keyboard trays, as well as computer chairs that offer more comfortable seating for computer use. Now, many employers provide ergonomically correct workstations for their office staff and CTS is on the decline.

Unfortunately, a new hazard has now taken the place of CTS. It's called CVS (Computer Vision Syndrome), and is caused by prolonged visual exposure to a computer screen. CVS has, in the past two years, become the number one health complaint of office employees.

Like CTS, Computer Vision Syndrome is also preventable. There are a few things you can do to reduce the sensitivity and eye strain associated with computer work. According to optometrist Dr. Larry K. Wan, there are five key ways to reduce the effects of CVS.

Dr. Wan suggests getting regular eye exams, which means (according to NIOSHthe National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health) once a year. While many contact-lens wearers are required to get eye exams each year to renew their lens prescription, it's important for those who don't wear contacts as well. Tracking the health of your eyes will allow your optometrist to identify whether or not you're experiencing a deterioration of vision due to CVS.

Dr. Wan also contends that proper lighting is important, citing that eyestrain can be caused by excessive lighting either coming in through a window, or from interior lighting itself. Dim your lights when using a computer.

Glare is another factor that Dr. Wan claims can cause CVS. In addition to adding an anti-reflective coating to your eyeglasses, glare can be prevented by anti-glare screens attached to your monitor, or by using an LCD monitor arm. LCD monitor arms actually allow you to tilt or slide your monitor at the touch of a finger, eliminating strain as the light in the room changes. We found affordable, high-quality LCD monitors online at Versa Products, Inc.

Adjusting the brightness of your computer screen can also help. Optimize for comfort which may mean either reducing or increasing the brightness. Find one that feels comfortable to your eyes.

Interestingly, Dr. Wan also tells his patients to blink more often. When staring at a computer screen, we tend to blink less than we normally doa process which keeps the eyes lubricated and comfortable. Make a point of blinking more often and every half hour, blink about ten times in a row, slowly. This will help reduce the effects of CVS as well.

Amy ThomasAmanda Blog14813
Allx Blog36175

A Little Advice for Those Considering Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

If you are in a tough financial situation, you may be considering Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. Before you move forward, consider several alternatives first. If your financial pressures are due to Credit Card or other debt, consider debt consolidation or working with a financial counselor. You may have already taken those steps and find no other options than bankruptcy.

Chapter 7 bankruptcy may help you in eliminated most kinds of unsecured debt. Examples of these debts are credit cards; personal loans, judgments, and medical bills.

Most of the time, you can keep your property. You must be current on your car and mortgage payment. In addition, the courts will assess the amount of equity you have in your current property. If you have significant equity, you may be asked to leverage your equity to pay your debts first. The goal with Chapter 7 is to eliminate your debt while keeping your personal belongings.

There are some key facts that you need to know before you commit to Chapter 7 bankruptcy.

Here are a few answers to common questions for those filing for Chapter 7. Please read further.

Will creditors continue to harass me?

You will want to retain a Chapter 7 Attorney immediately. By working with a specialized attorney, they will immediately give you record number. When the creditors call, you can give them your record number and refer them to your attorney.

Will I lost everything if I file for Chapter 7?

Typically, you will retain all your personal belongings, including your house. A good Chapter 7 lawyer will insure that your personal effects are safe. Most often your car will be safe as well. Your attorney will leverage state bankruptcy exemptions to protect these items.

More often than not you will be more at risk in losing your personal property if you do not file for Chapter 7 to protect them. Make sure you file before you get so far behind that you cannot do anything and get out of the rut you find yourself in.

Will everyone know I have filed for bankruptcy?

The short answer is no. The only parties that will know are the IRS, creditors, and the bankruptcy court. Your employer will not be notified when you file for bankruptcy either unless they are also a creditor of yours. Your bankruptcy is public record but no notifications will be made.

How do I know if I should file for Bankruptcy?

If you are currently facing the repossession of your car or home, you will be better off considering Chapter 7. This will be a better alternative and you should move now before it is too late.

How do I choose a good Chapter 7 Attorney?

If you are considering Chapter 7, you must find a specialized Chapter 7 attorney that understands the laws and is current on any changes that my impact your situation.

When you call a bankruptcy attorney ask them how many bankruptcies they have handled in your state. Make sure you educate yourself on all your alternatives. You can easily do a quick search on the internet and do some quick research before you hire and commit to an attorney.

Most legitimate bankruptcy attorneys will be able to give you a fair assessment over the phone. Make sure you share the facts with your situation. Many times people are embarrassed of their situation and they hide the facts. This will only prevent an attorney from helping you fast and getting the process underway.

We cannot stress enough the need to get several assessments of your situation. This is key in not only getting the right advice, but also to make sure you get an attorney that is sincerely in the business of helping you.

Will I ever get credit again?

Bankruptcy will be reported on your credit report for up to 10 years. That said you can start right away in establishing your credit. Lenders typically consider your debt to income ratio as well your credit history.

Filing for Chapter 7 helps you eliminate your debts, but also helps in reducing your debt to income ratio as well. This does help in establishing good credit for you in the future. Creditors are in the business to make money by lending you money. Remember this and you will be able to find a lender that will sell you money in your situation.

There are lenders in the business of helping people in your exact situation. You may not get the best interest rate, but you have to start somewhere.

Remember, you can only file for bankruptcy every six (6) years. Dont find yourself in the same situation again! If you need financial counseling, dont be embarrassed. Learn how to manage your income, and your debt after your bankruptcy and you will be on your way to a clean financial bill of health.

Matt D Murren owns and operates Chapter 7 BankruptcyBrigida Blog16943
Adrea Blog59043

Small Business Life Insurance Needs

ave You Given Any Thought To Small Business Life Insurance?

What Type Of Business Do You Own?

Is your business a Sole Proprietorship?

Are you part of a business Partnership?

Is your business an S Corporation?

What about a C Corporation? Is this how you incorporated?

Have you taken advantage of the new Limited Liability Company laws?

How about Key Employees? Do you have any employees that you can categorize them as Key Employees?

Small business life insurance as it applies to each type of business is different in many ways but there are also many similar features as well. What we are discussing here is not group life insurance but more specifically life insurance as it applies to the owners of each business and life insurance for the key employees. Let us take a look at each type of business and how life insurance could go a long way in protecting the business itself as well as the heirs of a deceased business owner.

The Sole Proprietorship.

Because the owner of a sole proprietorship and the business itself is considered one and the same one may think that the need for small business life insurance is limited. Nothing could be further from the truth. We put in a lot of time and effort building a business that has to be dissolved at our death. We do want to have this business transferred to a member of the family when we die. How can this be done?

The estate of the sole proprietor can sell the assets of the business upon his or her death. A small business life insurance policy can be bought during the lifetime of the owner the proceeds of which would be used to buy the business. A buy sell agreement, which would be binding, would determine the terms and the amount to be paid for the business.

Let us assume the proprietor is married and has a son or daughter who is interested in taking over the business upon his death. This young person has spent a lot of time learning the intricacies of operating the business from his or her father. So dad decides he wants to transfer this business to this child upon his death. He has a buy sell agreement drawn up by an attorney that would fulfill his desires. This agreement is funded buy a small business life insurance policy specially bought for that purpose.

The proprietors wife is not particularly interested in the business but if the business owner dies before her she will still need income. The proprietor dies. The proceeds of the small business life insurance policy is used to purchase the business from the estate and the wife has full value in cash. She can use this money to purchase an annuity that would pay her an income for a certain number of years or for a lifetime. Of course this decision will depend on the amount of money we are talking about here.

The Partnership.

The use of small business life insurance in a partnership is very simple and straightforward. The ownership of this partnership is in the hands of three partners. For the sake of easy explanation let us assume that that these partners own equal shares. A buy sell agreement would be set up that would state that the partnership would buy the shares of a deceased partner from his heirs. The buy sell agreement would be binding. The heirs cannot decide they don't want to sell. The partnership would buy a small business life insurance policy on the lives of each of the partners in the amount of the value of their shares. The proceeds would be used to fund the purchase. In some cases the policies can be owned by the partners themselves. The results are the same.

The Corporations.

Small business life insurance for c corporations, s corporations are limited liability companies is very similar to that of the partnership. The corporation usually owns the policies on the lives of the principals. Upon the death of a stockholder the corporation buys the stock from the heirs of the deceased. A small business life insurance policy is the least expensive way to fund the buy sell agreement. It is recommended that the insurance is updated on a regular basis and that the buy sell agreement is reviewed and updated from time to it is binding.

Key Employee Life Insurance.

What state would your business be in if a key employee died? Have you given this any thought? In my 40 years in the life insurance business I have seen many interesting situations. Some businesses had no key employee life insurance on their valuable employees...much to their detriment. Others were prepared and things continued on smoothly after the death of the key employee. It is recommended that if a business has a very valuable key employee that they buy a small business life insurance policy on the life of that employee equal to about 5 years of that employees income. Upon his or her beath the proceeds of the policy is paid to the business and used to help keep the business going while the company finds a capable replacement.

For more detail on how to start a business and the need for business life insurance go to:
Donald LusanBeverlie Blog40018
Celestine Blog78642

Christmas Famous Christmas Song with A Secret Double Meaning Revealed!

The Twelve Days of Christmas' is today a popular fun Christmas song that most of us sing a long to without really knowing its origin or its meaning. While many may consider it a children's nonsense song it was written in England with hidden meanings to help English Catholic children remember different articles of faith during the persecution by Protestant Monarchs in the 16th century. This was a time when to be caught with anything in writing' indicating adherence to the Catholic faith could not only get you imprisoned, it could get you hanged! True love' represented God', the gifts represented different ideas as follows:

The "Partridge in a pear tree" was Jesus.

2 Turtle Doves = The Old and New Testaments of The Bible

3 French Hens = Faith, Hope and Charity - the Theological Virtues.

4 Calling Birds = the Four Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

5 Golden Rings = The first Five Books of the Old Testament, the "Pentateuch", which relays the history of man's fall from grace.

6 Geese A-laying = the six days of Creation.

7 Swans A-swimming = the seven sacraments - gifts of the Holy Spirit.

8 Maids A-milking = the eight beatitudes (solemn blessings)

9 Ladies Dancing = the nine Fruits of the Holy Spirit.

10 Lords A-leaping = the Ten Commandments.

11 Pipers Piping = the eleven faithful apostles.

12 Drummers Drumming = the twelve points of doctrine in the Apostle's Creed.

Some consider this song to be a fun memory game for children and adults to sing each day over the 12 days of Christmas because of the style it is written in. Each verse adds something new and the giver receives everything previously given. No doubt this song reinforces the idea of gift giving associated with the history of festivities. If one gift is given each day in this song then we can recount a total of 364 gifts given with 184 of them being birds. Birds must have been a prized gift back in the old days!

In recent times an economist computes each year the cost for all the gifts adjusted to inflation. In 2005 the computed Christmas Price Index cost for all the gifts in the song was $72,608. This is done purely for fun from an economist's point of view!

If you want to listen to this famous Christmas song you can download or play it for free over the internet at: or you can purchase a copy from Enjoy, sing-along, get into the festive spirit and see how good your memory is!

Bernadette DimitrovAnna Maria Blog20405
Annamaria Blog56502

100% Shared Ownership Mortgages

As UK house prices have escalated out of the reach of the first time buyer many people have had to resort to moving into rented accommodation to get a roof over their heads. An Englishman's home is his castle and with the average UK mortgage now being in excess of 197,000, it is now an extremely expensive commodity and the dream of owning your home is looking bleak for the first time buyer.

The truth is that house prices have outstripped incomes and as a result affordability has become a big, big problem. All is not lost, so, what are the alternatives and how could you become that homeowner?

Let us look at some alternatives that could be considered: -

* Shared ownership
* Parent guarantee schemes
* Buying with friends
* Shared equity schemes

Shared Ownership

If you are unable to buy a property outright on the open market, then shared ownership is the ideal solution for you. Shared Ownership is a part buy, part rent scheme, which enables purchasers to buy a home in stages. Purchasers can buy an initial share between 25% and 75% of the value of the property and pay a subsidised rent on the remaining value of the property. Shared ownership properties can be provided by housing associations, housing trusts and local authorities. These organisations try be as flexible as possible with regards to the initial share purchased, but this may be as much as 50% of the market value at some of their developments.

A service charge will normally be payable to cover the cost of communal maintenance. The service charges payable can remain the same whatever percentage you own of your home and continues to be payable should you purchase your home outright where possible. You will need to have sufficient savings to cover the initial cost of home ownership: legal fees and stamp duty for example. You will need to be able to meet the costs of rent, mortgage, service charges and other associated outgoings.

As your income increases, you can buy further shares of your home until you could own 100% of the value and no longer share the ownership with the housing association or trust. The greater the percentage you own, the lower the percentage on which you pay rent. However, if you do not wish to buy more shares in the property, you do not have to. Obviously, the more you own, the less you pay in rent. And, if you can buy your home outright in the future, then no rent will be payable.

100% Shared Ownership Mortgages

Having found the shared ownership house of your dreams a good whole of market mortgage broker should then be employed to find the best and cheapest mortgage. Careful searches can reveal 100% shared ownership mortgages that will not require a deposit, even if you have an adverse credit history.

Finding the right mortgage is a very important financial decision in life as it is more often than not the largest single expenditure in people's lives! People will often search the supermarkets shelves for bargains choosing products for the sake of a 1p or 2p saving per item and there's nothing wrong with that; I do it all the time.

Our parents teach us to be frugal with money in our up bringing and we sometimes become animals of habit throughout our lives. Through the generations, inflation has seen prices increase ten fold and who would have thought years ago that the price of a loaf would touch the 1 figure.

The same can be said about UK property, as the housing market has exploded and the average mortgage has gone way above the 197,000 figure. This is before we align our currency and interest rate with the euro. Ireland has seen a massive explosion in property prices in the post years of joining the euro and it is now an extremely expensive place to buy property.

Consider this as a normal mathematical comparison. A 2% saving on a 100,000 mortgage works out at 2,000 per year and assuming that this saving can be made every year by remortgaging and moving the mortgage to another lender, it equates to an astronomical 50,000 saving over the normal mortgage term of 25 years. It just doesn't make sense to be putting an extra 40 per week into a lenders pockets when they already make billions of 's net profit per year.

Most of us have all experienced hard times at some stage in our lives and received letters from banks telling us that they are going to charge us 27 for bouncing a cheque or non payment of a direct debit or standing order. Now is the time to hit back and take some of that money back from them by taking advantage of the discounts that they have to offer to borrowers.

So, if there is massive saving around like that, why do people not remortgage more often?

Surveys conducted by lenders have identified that some people are just not aware, whilst others have said that they just could not be bothered. Some people have stated that the mortgage market is just too complicated.

Well, the range of UK mortgages has increased dramatically over the past few years. Although this increase in mortgage types has added complexity, it has also introduced fierce competition, which has in turn resulted in the availability of some very attractive mortgage products for the customer. With over 10,000 mortgage products to choose from, how do we ensure that we get the best mortgage and remortgage rates?

Employing the services of a whole of market mortgage broker (the equivalent of a supermarket) can pay dividends here, as they have sophisticated computer software to narrow down the best rates for buying with friends, shared equity schemes, parent guarantee schemes and 100% shared ownership mortgages.

Joe Kocsis has over twenty years of experience in the UK Financial Services Industry. Follow this link for further information.Caresse Blog66520
Ardyth Blog303

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