Wednesday, January 30, 2008

There's Diamonds In Your Backyard! - Part 1

I came to understand the true meaning and value of a business relationship over 10 years ago after spending thousands of dollars in traditional advertisements with little return. This is not to say that traditional advertising is wrong I just didnt have the money to do it! I then realized that without the funds to do consistent traditional advertising that I had to develop business relationships that would provide referrals, as well as resources.

Once I started meeting with other business owners one-on-one I discovered that no advertisement or marketing plan in the world could beat the true value of developing a business relationship that involves trust, value and the willingness to share and refer.

How many times have you heard the saying, the diamonds are in your own backyard? You know its really true! After evaluating where my business came from in 2003, it was either through a referral or from a relationship that I had developed.

Yes, develop a good business relationship and just like the brilliance of a diamond, it will shine throughout your business in the form of referrals and profit. The true source of new business prospects and profit really is just a relationship away!

So, the big question is if this sounds simple and your business can grow from developing relationships, why isnt it being done more amongst micro and small business owners? The answer is simple its because they dont understand the true value and benefits of developing a business relationship.

When a small business owner first starts their business they are in what I call their dream stage. They have a tendency to mock what they think or see a successful business as being, but lack the true understanding of why it is being done. Therefore, most small business owners get business cards, create flyers or brochures and wait for the business to come - as though the mere existence of their business will have customers begging for their product or service. Unfortunately, thats just not true.

This same thinking pattern is also transferred into the networking scene. Business owners go to countless business meetings and events and throw their business cards around as though they were playing some high-powered poker game. Then they leave and wait for the business to come. However, they soon learn that it doesnt come and they blame it on the networking meeting instead of the fact that they didnt do anything to develop new relationships.

Part Two will cover the tips youll be able to put to use immediately to get your share of diamonds (business relationships.)

Trina Newby is President and Founder of Women About Biz, a powerful and effective membership-based network for Businesswomen. Let us show you how to grow your business at Blog30300
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